Saturday, October 31, 2009

Popular costumes should make your Halloween, not break the bank

The Joker is sooo 2008. Batman? It's been done. Move over, Wolverine. You've been replaced.
Halloween costumes last year were all about the comic book characters and political figures such as Republican hockey mom Sarah Palin, geriatric John McCain and what would be our president-elect Barack Obama, which were all widely celebrated. You betcha. But 2009 seems to be the year for dressing creatively as recognizable celebrities for fractions of what a traditional costume would typically cost.
So Wolverine's steel claws have now been replaced with vampire fangs. The Joker's smudged make-up and green hair are out, but the "King of Pop's" white sequined glove and fedora are in. And Lady Gaga's flashy, metallic leotards are the new black Teflon Batman bodysuits.
But while designer pantsuits, masks and walkers can certainly be expensive, some might not be celebrating Halloween like they used to.
Many believe the current recession will impact how much consumers spend on costumes, leaving many cutting back on scary attire or not partaking in the holiday at all. According to the National Retail Federation, Halloween spending is estimated to drop 18 percent down to $4.75 billion. That's down from $5.77 billion from last year.
However, just because funds are low is no reason to go without a costume. New reality figureheads and TV show characters are emerging as this year's "it" costumes with more bang for not nearly as much buck.
Gateway, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE

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